11 dezembro 2010

When I'm sad, she comes to me
With a thousand smiles, she gives to me free
It's alright she says it's alright
Take anything you want from me,

it's difficult to be happy
I caught myself thinkin' if it's hard to exist just one person in the world to help me carrying my tears and smile, my fears or my virtues.
Please say hello from the clouds,
fall over to my arms
and let's enjoy our few seconds of life.

1 comentário:

  1. caro seguidor,
    fiz mudanças no meu blog, overdose de palavras. como tal, todos os meus seguidores deixaram de receber as actualizações. pedia-te, então, que voltasses a seguir-me! aqui fica o novo link: http://sente-a-paz.blogspot.com
    obrigada e continuação de grandes posts**
